Politics Acute Fear of the Gigantic Nameless Thing I recently completed a literary survey of every piece of creative fiction I could find that H. P. Lovecraft wrote or collaborated on. At first, this was motivated by climate grief and my feeling that there is something important for Lovecraft’s work and his personal fears to say about
Feminism How to Get Sexually Assaulted at a Gaming Convention If you ever want to know what sexual assault is like, please read this article. And think about it the next time you defend a rapist by trying to discredit a victim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to get sexually assaulted at a gaming convention [TW] [https://gomakemeasandwich.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/
Feminism Making Black Widow Truly Awesome The comic series referenced in this article is one of my favorite comics ever written. If superheroes are ultimately power fantasies, this series was a proper power fantasy for women. And I loved every empowering page of it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Make Black Widow Truly Awesome, According To Richard K.
Gaming Intersections When GamerGate comes up in parts of the Internet that I enjoy and people start saying angry and hateful things about feminism and "social justice warriors," it makes me feel uneasy about even calling myself a gamer, even though I've been actively playing video games since